Key Executive Officers
Key Executive Officers
The following are the other Executive Officers of the Company who are not members of the Board of Directors:

Chief Finance Officer
Mr. Cris T. Cortes is the Chief Finance Officer of the company. He passed the Philippine National Licensure Examination for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (Given by the Board of Accountancy under Philippine Regulations Commission in October 2010) with professional and progressive experience to relevant exposures to various business sectors such as power, pharmaceutical, banking and finance, cooperative, and service in the field of accounting and external audit.

Compliance Officer
Atty. Maylene Villanueva is the Compliance Officer of the Company. She is also the President of TIPP Digital Solutions, Inc., an IT solutions company, and Managing Partner of Villanueva, Balio, and Ariston Law Offices. Her core practice as a lawyer includes government procurement, corporate, intellectual property, data privacy, and labor laws. She is also the Compliance Officer of Asia Pacific Medical Center (APMC) -Aklan, Inc. since July 2021 and Asia Pacific Medical Center (APMC) - Bacolod since April 2022. She is the Vice President for Legal Affairs and Human Resources of Phil Pharmawealth, Inc. and a resident counsel for its affiliate companies since 2012. She also served as Acting President of Phil Pharmawealth Inc. from September 2021 to April 2022.
She concurrently serves as Corporate Secretary of Quiklab Diagnostics, Inc., Aesthetica Manila Inc., and Smartlab Diagnostics Inc. She is a Private Sector Representative on the Board of Regents of Iloilo State University of Fisheries, Science, and Technology since October 2019. She was an active member of Junior Chamber International Philippines and served the organization in various capacities such as being an Area Vice President for Area 4- Visayas in 2020, General Legal Counsel in 2019 and Regional Vice President for Western Visayas in 2016 after she served the local organization JCI Barotac Nuevo Tamasak as its Revival President from two years (2013- 2014). She was conferred the JCI Senatorship on May 6, 2022. She obtained her degrees in Law and Broadcast Communication in the University of San Agustin and in the University of the Philippines in the Visayas respectively.
She is a Certified Compliance Officer by the Center for Global Best Practices and an Associate Member of the Institute of Corporate Directors. As Corporate Secretary of the Company, she attended the Corporate Governance Training conducted by PWC/Isla Lipana on 14 May 2021. She is also a Certified Data Protection Officer by the UP Open University and a Certified Level 2 Public Procurement Specialist by the GPPB-UP National Engineering Center program partnership. She attended the Professional Directorship Program Batch 72 conducted by the Institute of Corporate Directors and also attended the Master class in Complete Staff Work on September 15-17, 2021, and September 20-22, 2021, and training on Best Practices in Digital Transformation Risk Management on December 2-3, 2021 both conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices. This year, she attended training on Family Business Governance on March 17-18, 2022, Corporate Secretary as Corporate Governance Professional on June 16-17, 2022, Distinguished Corporate Governance Speaker Series on 24 June 2022 and Sustainability Strategy and Training (a GRI accredited training) on August 10-12, 2022, and (GRI accredited training) Sustainability Strategy and Reporting Human Rights on 4 October 2022 which were all conducted by the Institute of Corporate Directors.

Corporate Secretary/Data Protection Officer
Atty. Analie L. Generoso is the Corporate Secretary and the recently appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the Company. She was the Legal Manager for Contracts and Internal Affairs of Premium Mega Structures Inc (PMI) after her engagement as Corporate In-house Counsel of Specified Contractors and Development Inc. and Huayou Construction Development Corporation. She was also a legal counsel of Phil Pharmawealth Inc.(PPI) and Endure Medical Inc.(EMI).
Prior to joining these companies, Atty. Generoso was Attorney III of the Aurora Pacific Economic Zone (APECO). Aside from corporate-related practice, she was the litigation lawyer for civil, criminal, and labor-related cases of the law firms to which she was previously connected. She is one of the international participants in the Essential General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/World Trade Organization (WTO) Revisiting the Fundamentals course, organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Centre for International Law last July-August 2021. In addition, Atty. Ana attended and completed all the course requirements for the Inaugural CIL-NUS Academy of International Trade also organized by the National University of Singapore Centre for International Law held last 10 April-19 May 2023.
She also attended the Best Practices in Corporate Housekeeping, a SEC-accredited training, conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices on February 1 – 3, 2023.

Hospital Administrator
Dr. Gerard Joel C. Abonado is the Hospital Administrator of the Company. He was the Chief of Hospital of Ramon D. Duremdes District Hospital in Dumangas, Iloilo from March 2017 to July 2019 and had been the Director of Administration of The Medical City Iloilo from March 2012 to 2014 and Medical Director of Saviour International Hospital Iloilo City from March 2009 to 2010. He was recently elected as a member of the Board of Regents (Private Sector Representative) at West Visayas State University. He is a member of the Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine Specialty Board since October 2012 and a Council Member of the Gerson Lehman Group since November 2011.
Dr. Abonado attended the following training during his stint in the company: Risk Management in Healthcare during the Pandemic on 28- 30 October 2020 conducted by Healthcare Academy. Infection Prevention and Control for Hospitals, Clinics, and Isolation Facilities on 25- 27 November 2020 conducted by Healthcore Academy and Coninnovat, From Covid 19 to Innovations 2020 Forum conducted by Ateneo Graduate School of Business Continuing on November 26, 2020, and Healthcare Digitization Strategy During and Post Pandemic conducted by Healthcore on 23 June 2021. As one of the officers of the Company, he attended the Corporate Governance Training conducted by PWC/Isla Lipana on 14 May 2021, and training on Best Practices in Strategy Execution conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices on October 28, 2021.

Investor Relations Officer
Toni Dinah Cheer Fernandez is a retired public secondary school Mathematics teacher. She had been a Department Head of the Iloilo National High School - School of the Future, a post she held for 5 years until her promotion as Academic Program Head of the Accountancy, Business & Marketing strand of the same institution when the government rolled out its Senior High School program in 2016.
Mrs. Fernandez is the recipient of various international scholarships: the Japanese Monbukagkusho (Department of Education, Science & Technology) for Teacher-trainee at Hiroshima University, Japan in 2001- 2003 and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAid) for Master of Leadership and Management in Education, major in School Leadership at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia in 2012-2013. She was also a Visiting International Faculty under the Cultural Exchange Program of the United States of America at Nash-Rocky Mount Schools in North Carolina in 2007-2008.
Having finished a degree in Accountancy in 2019, Mrs. Fernandez is presently the Office Manager of the Investor Relations Office of the Asia Pacific Medical Center Iloilo Inc. She also doubles as Finance Manager of the Daily Guardian Multi-Media Services Incorporated, a family corporation which is into publishing, public relations and commercial printing for the past 20 years.
Cris T. Cortes
Chief Finance Officer
Cris T. Cortes, CPA
Chief Finance Officer
Mr. Cris T. Cortes is the Chief Finance Officer of the company. He passed the Philippine National Licensure Examination for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (Given by the Board of Accountancy under Philippine Regulations Commission in October 2010) with professional and progressive experience to relevant exposures to various business sectors such as power, pharmaceutical, banking and finance, cooperative, and service in the field of accounting and external audit.
He attended the training on Year-end Tax Updates and Compliance conducted by PICPA on December 13, 2023.

Atty. Maylene B. Villanueva
Compliance Officer
Atty. Maylene B. Villanueva, CCO, AICD
Compliance Officer
Atty. Maylene Villanueva is the Compliance Officer of the Company. She is also the President of TIPP Digital Solutions, Inc., an IT solutions company, and Managing Partner of Villanueva, Balio, and Ariston Law Offices. Her core practice as a lawyer includes government procurement, corporate, intellectual property, data privacy, and labor laws. She is also the Compliance Officer of Asia Pacific Medical Center (APMC) -Aklan, Inc. since July 2021 and Asia Pacific Medical Center (APMC) - Bacolod since April 2022. She is the Vice President for Legal Affairs and Human Resources of Phil Pharmawealth, Inc. and a resident counsel for its affiliate companies since 2012. She also served as Acting President of Phil Pharmawealth Inc. from September 2021 to April 2022.
She concurrently serves as Corporate Secretary of Quiklab Diagnostics, Inc., Aesthetica Manila Inc., and Smartlab Diagnostics Inc. She is a Private Sector Representative on the Board of Regents of Iloilo State University of Fisheries, Science, and Technology since October 2019. She was an active member of Junior Chamber International Philippines and served the organization in various capacities such as being an Area Vice President for Area 4- Visayas in 2020, General Legal Counsel in 2019 and Regional Vice President for Western Visayas in 2016 after she served the local organization JCI Barotac Nuevo Tamasak as its Revival President from two years (2013- 2014). She was conferred the JCI Senatorship on May 6, 2022. She obtained her degrees in Law and Broadcast Communication in the University of San Agustin and in the University of the Philippines in the Visayas respectively.
She is a Certified Compliance Officer by the Center for Global Best Practices and an Associate Member of the Institute of Corporate Directors. As Corporate Secretary of the Company, she attended the Corporate Governance Training conducted by PWC/Isla Lipana on May 14, 2021. She is also a Certified Data Protection Officer by the UP Open University and a Certified Level 2 Public Procurement Specialist by the GPPB-UP National Engineering Center program partnership. She attended the Professional Directorship Program Batch 72 conducted by the Institute of Corporate Directors and also attended the Master class in Complete Staff Work on September 15-17, 2021, and September 20-22, 2021, and training on Best Practices in Digital Transformation Risk Management on December 2-3, 2021 both conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices. Additionally, she attended training on Family Business Governance on March 17-18, 2022, Corporate Secretary as Corporate Governance Professional on June 16-17, 2022, Distinguished Corporate Governance Speaker Series on June 24, 2022 and Sustainability Strategy and Training (a GRI accredited training) on August 10-12, 2022, and (GRI accredited training) Sustainability Strategy and Reporting Human Rights on October 4, 2022 which were all conducted by the Institute of Corporate Directors. She also participated in training on the Certification Course for Tax Compliance Specialist conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices on August 15, 22, & 29, 2023, and September 5, 12, & 22, 2023.

Atty. Analie L. Generoso
Corporate Secretary/Data Protection Officer
Atty. Analie L. Generoso
Corporate Secretary/Data Protection Officer
Atty. Analie L. Generoso is the Corporate Secretary and the recently appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the Company. She was the Legal Manager for Contracts and Internal Affairs of Premium Mega Structures Inc (PMI) after her engagement as Corporate In-house Counsel of Specified Contractors and Development Inc. and Huayou Construction Development Corporation. She was also a legal counsel of Phil Pharmawealth Inc.(PPI) and Endure Medical Inc.(EMI).
Prior to joining these companies, Atty. Generoso was Attorney III of the Aurora Pacific Economic Zone (APECO). Aside from corporate-related practice, she was the litigation lawyer for civil, criminal, and labor-related cases of the law firms to which she was previously connected. She is one of the international participants in the Essential General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/World Trade Organization (WTO) Revisiting the Fundamentals course, organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Centre for International Law last July-August 2021. In addition, Atty. Ana attended and completed all the course requirements for the Inaugural CIL-NUS Academy of International Trade also organized by the National University of Singapore Centre for International Law held last 10 April-19 May 2023. She attended the Best Practices in Corporate Housekeeping, a SEC-accredited training, conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices on February 1-3, 2023 and Corporate Secretary as Corporate Governance Professionals conducted by Institute of Corporate Directors on October 18-19, 2023.

Gerard Joel C. Abonado, MD
Director of Administration and Support
Gerard Joel C. Abonado, MD, FPCGM, MBAH
Hospital Administrator
Dr. Gerard Joel C. Abonado is the Hospital Administrator of the Company. He was the Chief of Hospital of Ramon D. Duremdes District Hospital in Dumangas, Iloilo from March 2017 to July 2019 and had been the Director of Administration of The Medical City Iloilo from March 2012 to 2014 and Medical Director of Saviour International Hospital Iloilo City from March 2009 to 2010.
He was recently elected as a member of the Board of Regents (Private Sector Representative) at West Visayas State University. He is a member of the Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine Specialty Board since October 2012 and a Council Member of the Gerson Lehman Group since November 2011. Dr. Abonado attended the following training during his stint in the company: Risk Management in Healthcare during the Pandemic on 28- 30 October 2020 conducted by Healthcare Academy.
Infection Prevention and Control for Hospitals, Clinics, and Isolation Facilities on 25- 27 November 2020 conducted by Healthcore Academy and Coninnovat, From Covid 19 to Innovations 2020 Forum conducted by Ateneo Graduate School of Business Continuing on November 26, 2020, and Healthcare Digitization Strategy During and Post Pandemic conducted by Healthcore on 23 June 2021. As one of the officers of the Company, he attended the Corporate Governance Training conducted by PWC/Isla Lipana on 14 May 2021, and training on Best Practices in Strategy Execution conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices on October 28, 2021.

Toni Dinah Cheer Fernandez
Investor Relations Officer
Toni Dinah Cheer Fernandez, MLMEd
Investor Relations Officer
Toni Dinah Cheer Fernandez is a retired public secondary school Mathematics teacher. She had been a Department Head of the Iloilo National High School - School of the Future, a post she held for 5 years until her promotion as Academic Program Head of the Accountancy, Business & Marketing strand of the same institution when the government rolled out its Senior High School program in 2016.
Mrs. Fernandez is the recipient of various international scholarships: the Japanese Monbukagkusho (Department of Education, Science & Technology) for Teacher-trainee at Hiroshima University, Japan in 2001- 2003 and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAid) for Master of Leadership and Management in Education, major in School Leadership at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia in 2012-2013. She was also a Visiting International Faculty under the Cultural Exchange Program of the United States of America at Nash-Rocky Mount Schools in North Carolina in 2007-2008.
Having finished a degree in Accountancy in 2019, Mrs. Fernandez is presently the Office Manager of the Investor Relations Office of the Asia Pacific Medical Center Iloilo Inc. She also doubles as Finance Manager of the Daily Guardian Multi-Media Services Incorporated, a family corporation which is into publishing, public relations and commercial printing for the past 20 years.